Настройки для Dibalo 3

Сообщения: 7
Зарегистрирован: 11 мар 2014, 16:24

Настройки для Dibalo 3

Сообщение Barrich » 12 мар 2014, 14:14

Здравствуйте! Подскажите пожалуйста, на данный момент есть ли возможность играть в Диабло 3 через GF Client? Купил учётку GameFreedom, настроил в соответствии с описаниями под WOW (http://gamefreedom.ru/play-world-of-warcraft.php), попробовал на рабочем месте подключиться, выводит подключение к Battle.Net, ввожу данные учётки батлнетовской, на что он отвечает что я пытаюсь подключиться не к тому серверу.

Клиент выдаёт вот такой лог.

Код: Выделить всё

13.03.2014 8:49:32 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection http://www.google-analytics.com:80 close.
13.03.2014 8:49:32 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to http://www.google-analytics.com:80 success.
13.03.2014 8:49:32 - Лог - Connect to host:www.google-analytics.com,port=80 успешно.
13.03.2014 8:49:32 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to proxy-ivc.skzd.rzd:8080 error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
13.03.2014 8:49:32 - Лог - Connect to host:proxy-ivc.skzd.rzd,port=8080 fail,msg=connect error!
13.03.2014 8:49:30 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection iir.blizzard.com:3724 close.
13.03.2014 8:49:30 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to iir.blizzard.com:3724 success.
13.03.2014 8:49:30 - Лог - Connect to host:iir.blizzard.com,port=3724 успешно.
13.03.2014 8:49:28 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to wpad:80 error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
13.03.2014 8:49:28 - Лог - Connect to host:wpad,port=80 fail,msg=connect error!
13.03.2014 8:49:27 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection http://www.google-analytics.com:80 close.
13.03.2014 8:49:26 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to http://www.google-analytics.com:80 success.
13.03.2014 8:49:26 - Лог - Connect to host:www.google-analytics.com,port=80 успешно.
13.03.2014 8:49:24 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection http://www.google-analytics.com:80 close.
13.03.2014 8:49:24 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to http://www.google-analytics.com:80 success.
13.03.2014 8:49:24 - Лог - Connect to host:www.google-analytics.com,port=80 успешно.
13.03.2014 8:49:23 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to proxy-ivc.skzd.rzd:8080 error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
13.03.2014 8:49:23 - Лог - Connect to host:proxy-ivc.skzd.rzd,port=8080 fail,msg=connect error!
13.03.2014 8:49:22 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection eu.actual.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 8:49:21 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to eu.actual.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 8:49:21 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.actual.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 8:49:20 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to proxy-ivc.skzd.rzd:8080 error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
13.03.2014 8:49:20 - Лог - Connect to host:proxy-ivc.skzd.rzd,port=8080 fail,msg=connect error!
13.03.2014 8:49:20 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection iir.blizzard.com:3724 close.
13.03.2014 8:49:19 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to iir.blizzard.com:3724 success.
13.03.2014 8:49:19 - Лог - Connect to host:iir.blizzard.com,port=3724 успешно.
13.03.2014 8:49:19 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to proxy-ivc.skzd.rzd:8080 error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
13.03.2014 8:49:19 - Лог - Connect to host:proxy-ivc.skzd.rzd,port=8080 fail,msg=connect error!
13.03.2014 8:49:18 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection nydus.battle.net:443 close.
13.03.2014 8:49:18 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection eu.launcher.battle.net:80 close.
13.03.2014 8:49:18 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection nydus.battle.net:443 close.
13.03.2014 8:49:18 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection eu.launcher.battle.net:80 close.
13.03.2014 8:49:17 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to eu.launcher.battle.net:80 success.
13.03.2014 8:49:17 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.launcher.battle.net,port=80 успешно.
13.03.2014 8:49:17 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to eu.launcher.battle.net:80 success.
13.03.2014 8:49:17 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.launcher.battle.net,port=80 успешно.
13.03.2014 8:49:17 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to proxy-ivc.skzd.rzd:8080 error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
13.03.2014 8:49:17 - Лог - Connect to host:proxy-ivc.skzd.rzd,port=8080 fail,msg=connect error!
13.03.2014 8:49:16 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection iir.blizzard.com:3724 close.
13.03.2014 8:49:16 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to nydus.battle.net:443 success.
13.03.2014 8:49:16 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to nydus.battle.net:443 success.
13.03.2014 8:49:16 - Лог - Connect to host:nydus.battle.net,port=443 успешно.
13.03.2014 8:49:16 - Лог - Connect to host:nydus.battle.net,port=443 успешно.
13.03.2014 8:49:16 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to iir.blizzard.com:3724 success.
13.03.2014 8:49:16 - Лог - Connect to host:iir.blizzard.com,port=3724 успешно.
13.03.2014 8:49:16 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to proxy-ivc.skzd.rzd:8080 error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
13.03.2014 8:49:16 - Лог - Connect to host:proxy-ivc.skzd.rzd,port=8080 fail,msg=connect error!
13.03.2014 8:49:16 - GFшлюз - Diablo III Launcher.exe:Connect to proxy-ivc.skzd.rzd:8080 error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
13.03.2014 8:49:16 - Лог - Connect to host:proxy-ivc.skzd.rzd,port=8080 fail,msg=connect error!
13.03.2014 8:49:15 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to proxy-ivc.skzd.rzd:8080 error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
13.03.2014 8:49:15 - Лог - Connect to host:proxy-ivc.skzd.rzd,port=8080 fail,msg=connect error!
13.03.2014 8:49:15 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to proxy-ivc.skzd.rzd:8080 error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
13.03.2014 8:49:15 - Лог - Connect to host:proxy-ivc.skzd.rzd,port=8080 fail,msg=connect error!
13.03.2014 8:49:12 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to proxy-ivc.skzd.rzd:8080 error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
13.03.2014 8:49:12 - GFшлюз - Diablo III Launcher.exe:Connect to proxy-ivc.skzd.rzd:8080 error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
13.03.2014 8:49:12 - Лог - Connect to host:proxy-ivc.skzd.rzd,port=8080 fail,msg=connect error!
13.03.2014 8:49:12 - Лог - Connect to host:proxy-ivc.skzd.rzd,port=8080 fail,msg=connect error!
13.03.2014 8:49:12 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to proxy-ivc.skzd.rzd:8080 error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
13.03.2014 8:49:12 - Лог - Connect to host:proxy-ivc.skzd.rzd,port=8080 fail,msg=connect error!
13.03.2014 8:49:11 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to proxy-ivc.skzd.rzd:8080 error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
13.03.2014 8:49:11 - Лог - Connect to host:proxy-ivc.skzd.rzd,port=8080 fail,msg=connect error!
13.03.2014 8:49:07 - GFшлюз - Diablo III Launcher.exe:Connect to proxy-ivc.skzd.rzd:8080 error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
13.03.2014 8:49:07 - Лог - Connect to host:proxy-ivc.skzd.rzd,port=8080 fail,msg=connect error!
13.03.2014 8:49:03 - GFшлюз - Diablo III Launcher.exe:Connect to proxy-ivc.skzd.rzd:8080 error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
13.03.2014 8:49:03 - Лог - Connect to host:proxy-ivc.skzd.rzd,port=8080 fail,msg=connect error!
13.03.2014 8:48:57 - Run - Запуск ПО:  F:\Other\games\Diablo III\Diablo III.exe выполнен успешно ,pid=5384
13.03.2014 8:48:50 - Лог - Подключение к шлюзу Game Freedom успешно выполнено! Включена эмуляция локального socks4/5 сервера   ip: порт:18888
13.03.2014 8:48:48 - Лог - Используется сжатие трафика
13.03.2014 8:48:48 - Лог - Служба маршрутизации запущена успешно!
13.03.2014 8:48:48 - Лог - Попытка подключения к серверу GF..
13.03.2014 8:48:48 - Служба  - Запуск службы маршрутизации.....
13.03.2014 8:48:33 - Служба  - Остановка службы выполнена успешно. 
13.03.2014 8:48:28 - Лог - Используется сжатие трафика
13.03.2014 8:48:28 - Лог - Служба маршрутизации запущена успешно!
13.03.2014 8:48:28 - Лог - Попытка подключения к серверу GF..
13.03.2014 8:48:28 - Служба  - Запуск службы маршрутизации.....
13.03.2014 8:48:13 - Служба  - Остановка службы выполнена успешно. 
13.03.2014 8:48:12 - Лог - Используется сжатие трафика
13.03.2014 8:48:12 - Лог - Служба маршрутизации запущена успешно!
13.03.2014 8:48:12 - Лог - Попытка подключения к серверу GF..
13.03.2014 8:48:12 - Служба  - Запуск службы маршрутизации.....
13.03.2014 8:48:11 - GF-драйвер - Режим расширенного перехвата пакетов программ установлен успешно.  
   Вы используюете 64битную операционную систему. Для оптимальной работы используйте Https или Socks5 прокси. В настройках программ не забывайте отключать чекбоксы, связанные с использованием прокси-сервера!

Сообщения: 1500
Зарегистрирован: 24 апр 2013, 13:45

Re: Настройки для Dibalo 3

Сообщение Admin » 13 мар 2014, 12:39

Судя по логу Вы не отключили чекбоксы связанные с прокси ил Internet Explorer

Agent.exe:Connect to proxy-ivc.skzd.rzd:8080 - агент приложение игры пытается пойти по маршруту Вашего прокси - сервера,
его там не пускают)

Сообщения: 7
Зарегистрирован: 11 мар 2014, 16:24

Re: Настройки для Dibalo 3

Сообщение Barrich » 13 мар 2014, 14:53

Я просто пробовал по разному. Вот лог с выключенными чекбоксами. В данном случае клиент батлнет сразу пишет что обновлён и требует перезапуска, сколько бы раз я его не перезапускал история повторяется.

Код: Выделить всё

13.03.2014 14:50:38 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:37 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:37 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:37 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:37 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:37 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:36 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:36 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:36 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:36 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:36 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:36 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:35 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:35 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:35 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:35 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:35 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:35 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:34 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:34 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:34 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:34 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:34 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:34 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:33 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:33 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:33 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:32 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:32 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:32 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:32 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:32 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:32 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:31 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:31 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:31 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:31 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:31 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:31 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:30 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:30 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:30 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:30 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:29 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:29 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:29 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:29 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:29 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:29 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:29 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:29 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:29 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:29 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:29 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:27 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:27 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:27 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:27 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:27 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:27 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:26 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:26 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:26 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:26 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connection iir.blizzard.com:3724 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:26 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:26 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:26 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:25 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connect to iir.blizzard.com:3724 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:25 - Лог - Connect to host:iir.blizzard.com,port=3724 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:25 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:25 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connection iir.blizzard.com:3724 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:25 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:25 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:25 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connect to iir.blizzard.com:3724 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:25 - Лог - Connect to host:iir.blizzard.com,port=3724 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:25 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:24 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:24 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:24 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connection iir.blizzard.com:3724 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:24 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connect to iir.blizzard.com:3724 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:24 - Лог - Connect to host:iir.blizzard.com,port=3724 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:24 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:24 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection www.google-analytics.com:80 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:24 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:24 - Лог - Connect to host:www.google-analytics.com,port=80 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:24 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to www.google-analytics.com:80 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:24 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:24 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connection iir.blizzard.com:3724 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:23 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connect to iir.blizzard.com:3724 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:23 - Лог - Connect to host:iir.blizzard.com,port=3724 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:23 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:23 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:23 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:23 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connection www.google-analytics.com:80 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:23 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connect to www.google-analytics.com:80 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:23 - Лог - Connect to host:www.google-analytics.com,port=80 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:23 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:23 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connection iir.blizzard.com:3724 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:23 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:23 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:22 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connect to iir.blizzard.com:3724 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:22 - Лог - Connect to host:iir.blizzard.com,port=3724 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:22 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:22 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:22 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:22 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connection iir.blizzard.com:3724 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:22 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connect to iir.blizzard.com:3724 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:22 - Лог - Connect to host:iir.blizzard.com,port=3724 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:22 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:22 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:22 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:21 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connection iir.blizzard.com:3724 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:21 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connect to iir.blizzard.com:3724 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:21 - Лог - Connect to host:iir.blizzard.com,port=3724 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:21 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:21 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:21 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:21 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connection iir.blizzard.com:3724 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:20 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:20 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:20 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:20 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connect to iir.blizzard.com:3724 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:20 - Лог - Connect to host:iir.blizzard.com,port=3724 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:20 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connection iir.blizzard.com:3724 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:20 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:20 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:20 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:20 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connect to iir.blizzard.com:3724 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:20 - Лог - Connect to host:iir.blizzard.com,port=3724 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:19 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:19 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connection iir.blizzard.com:3724 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:19 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:19 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:19 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connect to iir.blizzard.com:3724 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:19 - Лог - Connect to host:iir.blizzard.com,port=3724 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:19 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:19 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:19 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:19 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connection iir.blizzard.com:3724 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:18 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection nydus.battle.net:443 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:18 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection eu.launcher.battle.net:80 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:18 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection nydus.battle.net:443 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:18 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection eu.launcher.battle.net:80 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:18 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connect to iir.blizzard.com:3724 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:18 - Лог - Connect to host:iir.blizzard.com,port=3724 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:18 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to eu.launcher.battle.net:80 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:18 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.launcher.battle.net,port=80 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:18 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to eu.launcher.battle.net:80 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:18 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.launcher.battle.net,port=80 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:18 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:18 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:18 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:18 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection iir.blizzard.com:3724 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:18 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connection iir.blizzard.com:3724 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:18 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to iir.blizzard.com:3724 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:18 - Лог - Connect to host:iir.blizzard.com,port=3724 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:18 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:18 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connect to iir.blizzard.com:3724 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:18 - Лог - Connect to host:iir.blizzard.com,port=3724 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:18 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:18 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:17 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection iir.blizzard.com:3724 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:17 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connection iir.blizzard.com:3724 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:17 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to iir.blizzard.com:3724 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:17 - Лог - Connect to host:iir.blizzard.com,port=3724 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:17 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to nydus.battle.net:443 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:17 - Лог - Connect to host:nydus.battle.net,port=443 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:17 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connect to iir.blizzard.com:3724 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:17 - Лог - Connect to host:iir.blizzard.com,port=3724 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:17 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to nydus.battle.net:443 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:17 - Лог - Connect to host:nydus.battle.net,port=443 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:17 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:17 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:17 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:16 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:16 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:16 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:16 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connection iir.blizzard.com:3724 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:16 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connect to iir.blizzard.com:3724 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:16 - Лог - Connect to host:iir.blizzard.com,port=3724 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:16 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connection www.google-analytics.com:80 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:16 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connect to www.google-analytics.com:80 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:16 - Лог - Connect to host:www.google-analytics.com,port=80 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:15 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:15 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection www.google-analytics.com:80 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:15 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to www.google-analytics.com:80 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:15 - Лог - Connect to host:www.google-analytics.com,port=80 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:15 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:15 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:15 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:15 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:15 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:14 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:14 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:14 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:14 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:14 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:14 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:13 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:13 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:13 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:13 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:13 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:13 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:12 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:12 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:12 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to enus.patch.battle.net:1119 error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
13.03.2014 14:50:12 - Лог - Connect to host:enus.patch.battle.net,port=1119 fail,msg=connect error!
13.03.2014 14:50:12 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection www.google-analytics.com:80 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:11 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to www.google-analytics.com:80 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:11 - Лог - Connect to host:www.google-analytics.com,port=80 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:11 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection iir.blizzard.com:3724 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:11 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to iir.blizzard.com:3724 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:11 - Лог - Connect to host:iir.blizzard.com,port=3724 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:11 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection eu.actual.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:10 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection www.google-analytics.com:80 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:10 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to www.google-analytics.com:80 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:10 - Лог - Connect to host:www.google-analytics.com,port=80 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:10 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to eu.actual.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:10 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.actual.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:10 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection www.google-analytics.com:80 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:10 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to www.google-analytics.com:80 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:10 - Лог - Connect to host:www.google-analytics.com,port=80 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:08 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to enus.patch.battle.net:1119 error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
13.03.2014 14:50:08 - Лог - Connect to host:enus.patch.battle.net,port=1119 fail,msg=connect error!
13.03.2014 14:50:08 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection nydus.battle.net:443 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:08 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection eu.launcher.battle.net:80 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:08 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection nydus.battle.net:443 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:08 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection eu.launcher.battle.net:80 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:08 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to eu.launcher.battle.net:80 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:08 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.launcher.battle.net,port=80 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:08 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to eu.launcher.battle.net:80 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:08 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.launcher.battle.net,port=80 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:07 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection iir.blizzard.com:3724 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:07 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to iir.blizzard.com:3724 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:07 - Лог - Connect to host:iir.blizzard.com,port=3724 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:07 - GFшлюз - Diablo III Launcher.exe:Connection iir.blizzard.com:3724 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:07 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection iir.blizzard.com:3724 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:06 - GFшлюз - Diablo III Launcher.exe:Connect to iir.blizzard.com:3724 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:06 - Лог - Connect to host:iir.blizzard.com,port=3724 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:06 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to nydus.battle.net:443 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:06 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to nydus.battle.net:443 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:06 - Лог - Connect to host:nydus.battle.net,port=443 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:06 - Лог - Connect to host:nydus.battle.net,port=443 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:06 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to iir.blizzard.com:3724 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:06 - Лог - Connect to host:iir.blizzard.com,port=3724 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:06 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:05 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:05 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:05 - GFшлюз - Diablo III Launcher.exe:Connection www.google-analytics.com:80 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:05 - GFшлюз - Diablo III Launcher.exe:Connect to www.google-analytics.com:80 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:05 - Лог - Connect to host:www.google-analytics.com,port=80 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:05 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:05 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:05 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:05 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:03 - GFшлюз - Diablo III Launcher.exe:Connection iir.blizzard.com:3724 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:03 - GFшлюз - Diablo III Launcher.exe:Connect to iir.blizzard.com:3724 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:03 - Лог - Connect to host:iir.blizzard.com,port=3724 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:02 - GFшлюз - Diablo III Launcher.exe:Connection www.google-analytics.com:80 close.
13.03.2014 14:50:02 - GFшлюз - Diablo III Launcher.exe:Connect to www.google-analytics.com:80 success.
13.03.2014 14:50:02 - Лог - Connect to host:www.google-analytics.com,port=80 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:50:02 - Run - Запуск ПО:  F:\Other\games\Diablo III\Diablo III Launcher.exe выполнен успешно ,pid=4140
13.03.2014 14:49:50 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 14:49:50 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 14:49:50 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 14:49:50 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to socks server Error:read timeout error,dest=eu.patch.battle.net:1119
13.03.2014 14:49:48 - Лог - Подключение к шлюзу Game Freedom успешно выполнено! Включена эмуляция локального socks4/5 сервера   ip: порт:18888
13.03.2014 14:49:48 - Лог - Используется сжатие трафика
13.03.2014 14:49:48 - Лог - Служба маршрутизации запущена успешно!
13.03.2014 14:49:48 - Лог - Попытка подключения к серверу GF..
13.03.2014 14:49:48 - Служба  - Запуск службы маршрутизации.....
13.03.2014 14:49:41 - GF-драйвер - Режим расширенного перехвата пакетов программ установлен успешно.  
   Вы используюете 64битную операционную систему. Для оптимальной работы используйте Https или Socks5 прокси. В настройках программ не забывайте отключать чекбоксы, связанные с использованием прокси-сервера!

Сообщения: 1500
Зарегистрирован: 24 апр 2013, 13:45

Re: Настройки для Dibalo 3

Сообщение Admin » 13 мар 2014, 16:41

В этой конфигурации попробуйте выставить режим перехвата - стандартный, на вкладке основных настроек GF

Сообщения: 7
Зарегистрирован: 11 мар 2014, 16:24

Re: Настройки для Dibalo 3

Сообщение Barrich » 13 мар 2014, 17:42

К сожалению ситуация от этого не меняется, всё равно пишет что клиент обновлён надо перезагрузить и так до бесконечности. А если жму отмену, то соответственно не коннектит к сервакам игры(

Код: Выделить всё

13.03.2014 17:36:05 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:36:04 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:36:04 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:36:04 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:36:04 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:36:04 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:36:03 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:36:03 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:36:03 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:36:03 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:36:03 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:36:03 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:36:02 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:36:02 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:36:02 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:36:02 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:36:02 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:36:02 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:36:01 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:36:01 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:36:01 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:36:01 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:36:01 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:36:01 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:36:00 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:36:00 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:36:00 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:36:00 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:59 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:59 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:59 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:59 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:59 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:58 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:58 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:58 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:58 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:58 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:58 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:57 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:57 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:57 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:57 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:57 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:57 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:56 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:56 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:56 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:56 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:56 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:56 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:55 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:55 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:55 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:55 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:54 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:54 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:54 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:54 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:54 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:54 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:53 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:53 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:53 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:53 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:53 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:52 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:52 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:52 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:52 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:52 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:52 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:51 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:51 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:51 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:51 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:51 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:51 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:50 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:50 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:50 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:50 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:50 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:50 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:49 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:49 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:49 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:48 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:48 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:48 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:48 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:48 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:48 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:47 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:47 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:47 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:47 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:47 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:47 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:46 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:46 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:46 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:46 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:46 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:46 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:45 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:45 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:45 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:45 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:45 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:45 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:44 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:44 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:44 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:44 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:44 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:44 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:43 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:43 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:43 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:42 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:42 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:42 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:42 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:42 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:42 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:41 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:41 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:41 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:41 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:41 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:41 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:40 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:40 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:40 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:40 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:40 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:40 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to enus.patch.battle.net:1119 error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
13.03.2014 17:35:40 - Лог - Connect to host:enus.patch.battle.net,port=1119 fail,msg=connect error!
13.03.2014 17:35:36 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to enus.patch.battle.net:1119 error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
13.03.2014 17:35:36 - Лог - Connect to host:enus.patch.battle.net,port=1119 fail,msg=connect error!
13.03.2014 17:35:36 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection nydus.battle.net:443 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:36 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection eu.launcher.battle.net:80 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:36 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection nydus.battle.net:443 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:36 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection eu.launcher.battle.net:80 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:36 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to eu.launcher.battle.net:80 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:36 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.launcher.battle.net,port=80 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:36 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to eu.launcher.battle.net:80 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:36 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.launcher.battle.net,port=80 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:36 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection iir.blizzard.com:3724 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:35 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to iir.blizzard.com:3724 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:35 - Лог - Connect to host:iir.blizzard.com,port=3724 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:35 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection iir.blizzard.com:3724 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:35 - Лог - Connect to host:nydus.battle.net,port=443 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:35 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to nydus.battle.net:443 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:35 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to nydus.battle.net:443 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:35 - Лог - Connect to host:nydus.battle.net,port=443 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:34 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to iir.blizzard.com:3724 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:34 - Лог - Connect to host:iir.blizzard.com,port=3724 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:34 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:34 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:34 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:34 - GFшлюз - Diablo III Launcher.exe:Connection iir.blizzard.com:3724 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:33 - GFшлюз - Diablo III Launcher.exe:Connect to iir.blizzard.com:3724 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:33 - Лог - Connect to host:iir.blizzard.com,port=3724 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:33 - GFшлюз - Diablo III Launcher.exe:Connection www.google-analytics.com:80 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:33 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:33 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:33 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:33 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:33 - GFшлюз - Diablo III Launcher.exe:Connect to www.google-analytics.com:80 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:33 - Лог - Connect to host:www.google-analytics.com,port=80 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:33 - GFшлюз - Auto Tunnel W F:\Other\games\Battle.net\Battle.net.4269\Battle.net.exe "F:\Other\games\Battle.net\Battle.net.4269\Battle.net.exe" "--gamepath=F:\Other\games\Diablo III" --game=diablo3_ruru in tunnel success, pid=6124, ppid=7576
13.03.2014 17:35:33 - GFшлюз - Auto Tunnel TokenF:/Other/games/Battle.net/Battle.net.exe F:/Other/games/Battle.net/Battle.net.exe "--gamepath=F:\Other\games\Diablo III" --game=diablo3_ruru in tunnel success, pid=7576, ppid=7492
13.03.2014 17:35:32 - GFшлюз - Auto Tunnel W C:\ProgramData\Battle.net\Agent\Agent.1737\Agent.exe "C:\ProgramData\Battle.net\Agent\Agent.1737\Agent.exe" --locale=ruRU --session=3698306668155056045 in tunnel success, pid=7492, ppid=1252
13.03.2014 17:35:32 - GFшлюз - Auto Tunnel W C:\ProgramData\Battle.net\Agent\Agent.exe "C:\ProgramData\Battle.net\Agent\Agent.exe" --locale=ruRU --session=3698306668155056045 in tunnel success, pid=1252, ppid=7176
13.03.2014 17:35:32 - GFшлюз - Diablo III Launcher.exe:Connection iir.blizzard.com:3724 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:32 - GFшлюз - Diablo III Launcher.exe:Connect to iir.blizzard.com:3724 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:32 - Лог - Connect to host:iir.blizzard.com,port=3724 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:31 - GFшлюз - Diablo III Launcher.exe:Connection www.google-analytics.com:80 close.
13.03.2014 17:35:31 - GFшлюз - Diablo III Launcher.exe:Connect to www.google-analytics.com:80 success.
13.03.2014 17:35:31 - Лог - Connect to host:www.google-analytics.com,port=80 успешно.
13.03.2014 17:35:31 - GFшлюз - Auto Tunnel W F:\Other\games\Diablo III\Diablo III Launcher.exe  in tunnel success, pid=7176, ppid=7068
13.03.2014 17:35:31 - Run - Запуск ПО:  F:\Other\games\Diablo III\Diablo III Launcher.exe выполнен успешно ,pid=7068
13.03.2014 17:35:27 - Лог - Подключение к шлюзу Game Freedom успешно выполнено! Включена эмуляция локального socks4/5 сервера   ip: порт:18888
13.03.2014 17:35:27 - Лог - Используется сжатие трафика
13.03.2014 17:35:27 - Лог - Служба маршрутизации запущена успешно!
13.03.2014 17:35:27 - Лог - Попытка подключения к серверу GF..
13.03.2014 17:35:27 - Служба  - Запуск службы маршрутизации.....
   Вы используюете 64битную операционную систему. Для оптимальной работы используйте Https или Socks5 прокси. В настройках программ не забывайте отключать чекбоксы, связанные с использованием прокси-сервера!

Сообщения: 1500
Зарегистрирован: 24 апр 2013, 13:45

Re: Настройки для Dibalo 3

Сообщение Admin » 13 мар 2014, 19:40

Попробуйте переподключится к шлюзу (отжать запуск), и проверить подключение с теми же параметрами.
Смотрю у близов новая подсеть появилась.

Сообщения: 7
Зарегистрирован: 11 мар 2014, 16:24

Re: Настройки для Dibalo 3

Сообщение Barrich » 14 мар 2014, 12:07

Пробовал сегодня снова подключаться, картина та же - запускаю Battle.net launcher и он сразу выдаёт что вышло обновление и требуется перезапуск и так до бесконечности.

Код: Выделить всё

14.03.2014 11:53:25 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:25 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:25 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:24 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:24 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:24 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:24 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:24 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:24 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:23 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connection iir.blizzard.com:3724 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:23 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:23 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connect to iir.blizzard.com:3724 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:23 - Лог - Connect to host:iir.blizzard.com,port=3724 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:23 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:23 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:23 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
14.03.2014 11:53:23 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=14129 fail,msg=connect error!
14.03.2014 11:53:23 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:23 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:23 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:22 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:22 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:22 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:22 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:21 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:21 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:21 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:21 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:21 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:20 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:20 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:20 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:20 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:20 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:20 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:19 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:19 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:19 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:19 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:19 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:19 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:18 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:18 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:18 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:18 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:18 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:18 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:17 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:17 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:17 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:17 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:17 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:17 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:16 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:16 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:16 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:16 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:15 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:15 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:15 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:15 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:15 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:14 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:14 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:14 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:14 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connection www.google-analytics.com:80 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:14 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connect to www.google-analytics.com:80 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:14 - Лог - Connect to host:www.google-analytics.com,port=80 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:14 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
14.03.2014 11:53:14 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=14129 fail,msg=connect error!
14.03.2014 11:53:14 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:14 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:14 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:13 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:13 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:13 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:13 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:13 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:13 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:12 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:12 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:12 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:12 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:12 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:12 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:11 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:11 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:11 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:11 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:11 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:11 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:10 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:10 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:10 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:10 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:10 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:09 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:09 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:09 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:09 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:09 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:08 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:08 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:08 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:08 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:08 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:07 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:07 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:07 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:07 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:07 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:07 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:06 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:06 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:06 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:06 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:06 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:06 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:06 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connection iir.blizzard.com:3724 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:05 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connect to iir.blizzard.com:3724 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:05 - Лог - Connect to host:iir.blizzard.com,port=3724 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:05 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:05 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:05 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:05 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
14.03.2014 11:53:05 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=14129 fail,msg=connect error!
14.03.2014 11:53:05 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:05 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:05 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:04 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:04 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:04 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:03 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:03 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:03 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:03 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:03 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:03 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:02 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:02 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:02 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:02 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:02 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:02 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:01 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:01 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:01 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:01 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:01 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:01 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:00 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:00 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:00 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:53:00 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:53:00 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:53:00 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:59 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:59 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:59 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:59 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:59 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:59 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:58 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:58 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:58 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:58 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:58 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:58 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:57 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:57 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:57 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:56 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:56 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:56 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:56 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connection iir.blizzard.com:3724 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:56 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connect to iir.blizzard.com:3724 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:56 - Лог - Connect to host:iir.blizzard.com,port=3724 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:56 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:56 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:56 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:56 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
14.03.2014 11:52:56 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=14129 fail,msg=connect error!
14.03.2014 11:52:55 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:55 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:55 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:55 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:55 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:55 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:54 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:54 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:54 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:54 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:54 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:54 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:53 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:53 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:53 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:53 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:53 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:53 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:52 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:52 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:52 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:51 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:51 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:51 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:51 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:51 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:51 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:50 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:50 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:50 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:50 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:50 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:50 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:49 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:49 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:49 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:49 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:49 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:49 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:48 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:48 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:48 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:48 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:48 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:48 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:47 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connection iir.blizzard.com:3724 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:47 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:47 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:47 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:47 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connect to iir.blizzard.com:3724 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:47 - Лог - Connect to host:iir.blizzard.com,port=3724 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:47 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:47 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
14.03.2014 11:52:47 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=14129 fail,msg=connect error!
14.03.2014 11:52:47 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:47 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:46 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:46 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:46 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:46 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:45 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:45 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:45 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:45 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:45 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:44 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:44 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:44 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:44 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:44 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:44 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:43 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:43 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:43 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:43 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:43 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:43 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:42 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:42 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:42 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:42 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:42 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:42 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:41 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:41 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:41 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:41 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:41 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:41 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:40 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:40 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:40 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:40 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:40 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:40 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:39 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:39 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:39 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:39 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:38 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:38 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:38 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connection iir.blizzard.com:3724 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:38 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:38 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connect to iir.blizzard.com:3724 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:38 - Лог - Connect to host:iir.blizzard.com,port=3724 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:38 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:38 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:38 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
14.03.2014 11:52:38 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=14129 fail,msg=connect error!
14.03.2014 11:52:37 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:37 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:37 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:37 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:37 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:37 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:36 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:36 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:36 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:36 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:36 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:36 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:35 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:35 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:35 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:35 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:35 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:35 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:34 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:34 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:34 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:33 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:33 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:33 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:33 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:33 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:33 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:32 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:32 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:32 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:32 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:32 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:32 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:31 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:31 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:31 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:31 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:31 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:31 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:30 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:30 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:30 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:30 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:30 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:30 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:29 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:29 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:29 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:29 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connection iir.blizzard.com:3724 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:29 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connect to iir.blizzard.com:3724 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:29 - Лог - Connect to host:iir.blizzard.com,port=3724 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:29 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:29 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:29 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:28 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
14.03.2014 11:52:28 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=14129 fail,msg=connect error!
14.03.2014 11:52:28 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:28 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:28 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:28 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:27 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:27 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:27 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:27 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:27 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:26 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:26 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:26 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:26 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:26 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:26 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:25 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:25 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:25 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:25 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:25 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:25 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:24 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:24 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:24 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:24 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:24 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:24 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:23 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:23 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:23 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:23 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:22 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:22 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:22 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:22 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:22 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:21 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:21 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:21 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:21 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:21 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:21 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:20 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:20 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:20 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:20 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connection iir.blizzard.com:3724 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:20 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:20 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:20 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:20 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connect to iir.blizzard.com:3724 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:20 - Лог - Connect to host:iir.blizzard.com,port=3724 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:19 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:19 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:19 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:19 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
14.03.2014 11:52:19 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=14129 fail,msg=connect error!
14.03.2014 11:52:19 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:19 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:19 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:18 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:18 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:18 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:18 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:18 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:18 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:17 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:17 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:17 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:17 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:17 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:17 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:16 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:16 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:16 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:16 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:15 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:15 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:15 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:15 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:15 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:14 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:14 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:14 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:14 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:14 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:14 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:13 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:13 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:13 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:13 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:13 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:13 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:12 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:12 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:12 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:12 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:12 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:12 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:11 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:11 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:11 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:11 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connection iir.blizzard.com:3724 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:11 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:11 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:11 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:11 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connect to iir.blizzard.com:3724 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:11 - Лог - Connect to host:iir.blizzard.com,port=3724 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:10 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
14.03.2014 11:52:10 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=14129 fail,msg=connect error!
14.03.2014 11:52:10 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:10 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:10 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:10 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:10 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:10 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:09 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:09 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:09 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:08 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:08 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:08 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:08 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:08 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:08 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:07 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection nydus.battle.net:443 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:07 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection eu.launcher.battle.net:80 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:07 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection nydus.battle.net:443 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:07 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection eu.launcher.battle.net:80 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:07 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:07 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:07 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:07 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:07 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:07 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:06 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to eu.launcher.battle.net:80 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:06 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.launcher.battle.net,port=80 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:06 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to eu.launcher.battle.net:80 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:06 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.launcher.battle.net,port=80 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:06 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:06 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
14.03.2014 11:52:06 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=14129 fail,msg=connect error!
14.03.2014 11:52:06 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
14.03.2014 11:52:06 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=14129 fail,msg=connect error!
14.03.2014 11:52:06 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:06 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:06 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection iir.blizzard.com:3724 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:06 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:06 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:06 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:05 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:05 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:05 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:05 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to iir.blizzard.com:3724 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:05 - Лог - Connect to host:iir.blizzard.com,port=3724 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:05 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:04 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:04 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:04 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
14.03.2014 11:52:04 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=14129 fail,msg=connect error!
14.03.2014 11:52:04 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:04 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:04 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:03 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:03 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:03 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:03 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:03 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:03 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:02 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:02 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:02 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:02 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:02 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:02 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:02 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connection iir.blizzard.com:3724 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:01 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connect to iir.blizzard.com:3724 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:01 - Лог - Connect to host:iir.blizzard.com,port=3724 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:01 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:01 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:01 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:01 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
14.03.2014 11:52:01 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=14129 fail,msg=connect error!
14.03.2014 11:52:01 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:01 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:01 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:00 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:00 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:52:00 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:00 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:52:00 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:52:00 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:51:59 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:51:59 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:51:59 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:51:59 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:51:59 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:51:59 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:51:58 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:51:58 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:51:58 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:51:57 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:51:57 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:51:57 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:51:57 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:51:57 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:51:57 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:51:56 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:51:56 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:51:56 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:51:56 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:51:56 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection iir.blizzard.com:3724 close.
14.03.2014 11:51:56 - Лог - Connect to host:nydus.battle.net,port=443 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:51:56 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to nydus.battle.net:443 success.
14.03.2014 11:51:56 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to nydus.battle.net:443 success.
14.03.2014 11:51:56 - Лог - Connect to host:nydus.battle.net,port=443 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:51:56 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:51:56 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:51:55 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:51:55 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:51:55 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:51:55 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to iir.blizzard.com:3724 success.
14.03.2014 11:51:55 - Лог - Connect to host:iir.blizzard.com,port=3724 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:51:55 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:51:55 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:51:55 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:51:55 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
14.03.2014 11:51:55 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
14.03.2014 11:51:55 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=14129 fail,msg=connect error!
14.03.2014 11:51:55 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=14129 fail,msg=connect error!
14.03.2014 11:51:54 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
14.03.2014 11:51:54 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=14129 fail,msg=connect error!
14.03.2014 11:51:54 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:51:54 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:51:54 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:51:54 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:51:54 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:51:54 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:51:53 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:51:53 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:51:53 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:51:53 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
14.03.2014 11:51:53 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=14129 fail,msg=connect error!
14.03.2014 11:51:53 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connection iir.blizzard.com:3724 close.
14.03.2014 11:51:52 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:51:52 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:51:52 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:51:52 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connect to iir.blizzard.com:3724 success.
14.03.2014 11:51:52 - Лог - Connect to host:iir.blizzard.com,port=3724 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:51:52 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:51:52 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
14.03.2014 11:51:52 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=14129 fail,msg=connect error!
14.03.2014 11:51:52 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:51:52 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:51:52 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:51:52 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:51:51 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:51:51 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to public-test.patch.battle.net:1119 error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
14.03.2014 11:51:51 - Лог - Connect to host:public-test.patch.battle.net,port=1119 fail,msg=connect error!
14.03.2014 11:51:50 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
14.03.2014 11:51:50 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=14129 fail,msg=connect error!
14.03.2014 11:51:48 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
14.03.2014 11:51:48 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=14129 fail,msg=connect error!
14.03.2014 11:51:47 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to public-test.patch.battle.net:1119 error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
14.03.2014 11:51:47 - Лог - Connect to host:public-test.patch.battle.net,port=1119 fail,msg=connect error!
14.03.2014 11:51:46 - GFшлюз - Auto Tunnel W F:\Other\games\Battle.net\SystemSurvey.exe "F:\Other\games\Battle.net\SystemSurvey.exe"  in tunnel success, pid=5036, ppid=1040
14.03.2014 11:51:43 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
14.03.2014 11:51:43 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=14129 fail,msg=connect error!
14.03.2014 11:51:43 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connection iir.blizzard.com:3724 close.
14.03.2014 11:51:43 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connect to iir.blizzard.com:3724 success.
14.03.2014 11:51:43 - Лог - Connect to host:iir.blizzard.com,port=3724 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:51:43 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
14.03.2014 11:51:43 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=14129 fail,msg=connect error!
14.03.2014 11:51:38 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
14.03.2014 11:51:38 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=14129 fail,msg=connect error!
14.03.2014 11:51:37 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:51:36 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:51:36 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:51:35 - GFшлюз - Battle.net.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
14.03.2014 11:51:35 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=14129 fail,msg=connect error!
14.03.2014 11:51:35 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:51:35 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection eu.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:51:35 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connection enus.patch.battle.net:1119 close.
14.03.2014 11:51:35 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:51:35 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to eu.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:51:35 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:51:35 - Лог - Connect to host:eu.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:51:35 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
14.03.2014 11:51:35 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=14129 fail,msg=connect error!
14.03.2014 11:51:35 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to enus.patch.battle.net:1119 success.
14.03.2014 11:51:35 - Лог - Connect to host:enus.patch.battle.net,port=1119 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:51:34 - GFшлюз - Agent.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
14.03.2014 11:51:34 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=14129 fail,msg=connect error!
14.03.2014 11:51:34 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connection www.google-analytics.com:80 close.
14.03.2014 11:51:34 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connect to www.google-analytics.com:80 success.
14.03.2014 11:51:34 - Лог - Connect to host:www.google-analytics.com,port=80 успешно.
14.03.2014 11:51:34 - GFшлюз - Battle.net Launcher.exe:Connect to error, msg=socks5 server return error:Connection refused
14.03.2014 11:51:34 - Лог - Connect to host:,port=14129 fail,msg=connect error!
14.03.2014 11:51:26 - GFшлюз - Auto Tunnel W F:\Other\games\Battle.net\Battle.net.4269\Battle.net.exe "F:\Other\games\Battle.net\Battle.net.4269\Battle.net.exe"  in tunnel success, pid=1040, ppid=1828
14.03.2014 11:51:26 - GFшлюз - Auto Tunnel TokenF:/Other/games/Battle.net/Battle.net.exe F:/Other/games/Battle.net/Battle.net.exe in tunnel success, pid=1828, ppid=3748
14.03.2014 11:51:25 - GFшлюз - Auto Tunnel W C:\ProgramData\Battle.net\Agent\Agent.1737\Agent.exe "C:\ProgramData\Battle.net\Agent\Agent.1737\Agent.exe" --locale=ruRU --session=13125382141509797361 in tunnel success, pid=3748, ppid=1240
14.03.2014 11:51:25 - GFшлюз - Auto Tunnel W C:\ProgramData\Battle.net\Agent\Agent.exe "C:\ProgramData\Battle.net\Agent\Agent.exe" --locale=ruRU --session=13125382141509797361 in tunnel success, pid=1240, ppid=2852
14.03.2014 11:51:18 - Лог - Подключение к шлюзу Game Freedom успешно выполнено! Включена эмуляция локального socks4/5 сервера   ip: порт:18888
14.03.2014 11:51:18 - Лог - Используется сжатие трафика
14.03.2014 11:51:18 - Лог - Служба маршрутизации запущена успешно!
14.03.2014 11:51:18 - Лог - Попытка подключения к серверу GF..
14.03.2014 11:51:18 - Служба  - Запуск службы маршрутизации.....

Сообщения: 1500
Зарегистрирован: 24 апр 2013, 13:45

Re: Настройки для Dibalo 3

Сообщение Admin » 16 мар 2014, 22:35


Сообщения: 1500
Зарегистрирован: 24 апр 2013, 13:45

Re: Настройки для Dibalo 3

Сообщение Admin » 16 мар 2014, 23:33

Пробовал сегодня снова подключаться, картина та же - запускаю Battle.net launcher и он сразу выдаёт что вышло обновление и требуется перезапуск и так до бесконечности.
Попробуйте проверить клиент игры напрямую (без прокси). У нас проблем с запуском игры не возникло. Все прикрасно работает.
Battle.net загрузчик обновляет игру. Сама игра Diablo3 запускается без проблем. Возможно у Вас какие то проблемы с клиентом.

Сообщения: 7
Зарегистрирован: 11 мар 2014, 16:24

Re: Настройки для Dibalo 3

Сообщение Barrich » 21 мар 2014, 13:50

Получилось запустить игру со стандартными настройками GF client'а, после того как я принёс из дома полностью обновлённый клиент игры, батлнета и папки Battle.net и Blizzard, находящиеся в C:\Windows\Program Data (скрытая папка). А сегодня какая то другая беда появилась: захожу в игру, выбираю персонажа, нажимаю начать, запускается загрузка, немного висит и выкидывает на выбор персонажа с надписью отсоединение от сервера, при следующей попытке пишет что серверы диабло 3 перегружены, хотя друзья сидят спокойно играют. Пытался к ним подключаться, такая же фигня, кикает после начала загрузки. А помимо этого мне пришлось прописать в файл hosts вот такое eu.logon.battle.net eu.launcher.battle.net enGB.nydus.battle.net eu.actual.battle.net
Последний раз редактировалось Barrich 21 мар 2014, 14:07, всего редактировалось 1 раз.


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